When our engineers and designers with a common passion for the automotive industry meet, a team of experienced specialists will be created to do:
Market, customer and product analysis
Consultation and non-binding advice on the project
Product design, design process in 2D / 3D CAD model
Project development and design (FEM / CFD)
Control panels, graphics of individual parts
Production and realization of prototypes and technical parts
Support for introduction to mass production
We gather and have many years of experiences in the design and development of transport facilities and industrial vehicles
We have the technical background, experiences and team of enthusiastic designers and engineers under one roof for your service
These and other projects
we have realized for our clients
What can we do for you?
Přihlašte se k našemu newsletteru a získáte přehled ze světa inovací, průmyslového designu a dotací.
Adresa nové provozovny
Adamov 496, 679 04
Česká republika
+420 533 533 257